簡単なダイエット(easy diet)に必要なたった1つの知識の記事です。

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簡単なダイエット(easy diet)に必要なたった1つの知識

簡単なダイエット(easy diet)に必要なたった1つの知識

簡単なダイエットをお探しですよね。 Click here for English
実際に「簡単 ダイエット」でグーグル検索して、1位表示の記事を読みました。






★発売たちまち大反響! 10万部突破! 
★肥満大国アメリカを変えた! 異例の全米大ベストセラー減量本! 
★ダイエットでもっとも重要なのは「食べる回数」! 食べる回数を減らせば肥満ホルモンが減り、脂肪燃焼率が上がる











※まえがき 世界で最も肥満について知りつくした博士








第1部 肥満の真実

















2章 残酷な真実…肥満は親から子へ遺伝する








3章 「食事量は関係ない」と断言できる…「削ってもムダ」だと示す膨大なデータ



















4章 運動神話…残念ながら、走っても、走っても、やせません









5章 過食のパラドックス…「食べ過ぎると太る」も大嘘?











第3部 世界最新の肥満理論



6章 研究の成就…ついに全容解明した「体重変化のメカニズム」








7章 「インスリン」が肥満ホルモン…ぜい肉の首謀者










8章 イライラするたび体重増加…「ストレス太り」は実在する








9章 「低炭水化物ダイエット」の真相…データは「常識」とやや違っていた











10章 肥満ホルモンの「蛇口」を今すぐ閉める…減量上「太っていた時期」が極めて重要















第4部 社会的肥満



11章 大手食品会社の思惑…消責者よ、もっと太れ!










12章 「所得が低い」と太る… 「安い食べ物」のとんでもないリスク








13章 ビッグ・チャイルド現象…「肥満児」は短命…我が子を守るには?














14章 甘い罠…避けないと「中毒化」する恐れも



・糖尿病リスクを”80%以止” 上げる「甘いジュース」









15章 「ダイエット飲料」は肥大ドリンク「炭酸」ではやせません








16章 「食物繊維」は絶対に摂ってほしい… 脂肪吸収をセーブL細胞レベルで太らない















17章「たんぱく質」への過剰期待… 肉は敵か、味方か













18章 「脂肪」が体を変える…「いい脂肪」ならやせて健康になる不思議









・悪い脂肪… 「動物のえさ」を混ぜて消費期限を長くしている





第6部 医師が教える「太らないカラダ」の作り方


19章 「食べても太らない食べ物」を食べる…お腹が膨れて体重が増えない








・添加糖回避術① 「デザート」を変える


・添加糖回避術③ 「朝食」は食べても食べなくてもいい


・添加糖回避術④ 「炭酸水」を飲む


・お茶… 「緑茶」が持つ脂肪燃焼作用


・ステップ2 :「精製された穀物の摂取」を減らす


・ステップ4 : 「いい脂肪」をもっと食べる



・ステップ5 : 「食物繊維」をもっと食べる


20章 世界最先端の医学分析を集約した太らない食事術



















・7日間の食事プラン… 24時間の間欠的ファスティング計画













Looking for an easy diet?
In fact, I searched the keyword “easy diet” on Google and read the article displayed in 1st place.

・ Diet walking by just breathing

・Just by correcting posture, muscle trepan effect

・5 minutes a day desk stretch etc.

Certainly it is simple, but is it effective immediately?


I thought as “???”.

Why can I say such things? That is because I met a amazing book.
People looking for easy diet, I think there is no more information at this time.
 Below is quoted from book introduction of Amazon.

“The world’s latest non-fat body to which the best doctor in Toronto teaches” Dr. Jason Phan (MD)
Book content introduction
★ Releasing rapidly after the release! Breakthrough 100,000!(published January 8, 2019)
★ It changed the obesity power country America! An unusual nationwide great big-selling weight loss book!
★ Collect more than 1,900 reviews on Amazon.com, average ★ 4.7 Highly rated content of trust!
★ One book on which Japanese translation was long-awaited from Japanese doctors!
★ The most important thing in a diet is “the number of times to eat”! If you decrease the number of times you eat, the obesity hormone will decrease and the fat burning rate will rise

★ The most efficient way to get it out from enormous research results!

“Even with the same amount of meal, those who eat a small number of times are overwhelmingly easy to lose weight,” he points out that “obesity hormone” exists in the background.
No matter how healthy food or no matter how small you eat, many “obesity hormones” are secreted, glucose accumulates in the cells and fat accumulates in your body.
And, frighteningly, when the amount of secretion of obesity hormone increases, “the set value of weight” existing in the body also increases.
If this happens, even if you can reduce the amount of meal or exercise to temporarily lower your weight, the body immediately tries to restore your weight to “higher set value”.

In this book, “Intermittent Fasting” which has exerted a great effect at Canadian · Toronto’s weight reduction professional organization is disclosed as a method to effectively suppress the secretion of such obesity hormone.
This way you can reduce the number of meals without difficulty, lower your weight setting, you will not feel hungry, will change at the hormonal level to a constitution that is not overweight!
Weight decreased about 1 kg in the first 5 days, body fat burning rate increased by 58%. There is also a case that succeeded in reducing 37 kg in six months.

(Revealed in this book, the truth of obesity and weight loss ↓ ↓)
· We can not get weight reduction effect even if we cut “calories”
· Even if you eat “morning meal” firmly
· The fattening sleeping time found in the research is “7 hours”
· “Weight loss effect” for “6 coffee a day”
· When you eat “Edamame”, sugar is discharged from the body

the cited source 『Toronto The best physician teaches the world’s latest body without fat』
The world’s latest weightless body taught by the best doctors in Toronto

【table of contents】

※ Foreword Doctor who learned about obesity most in the world

※ Introduction

・ A doctor recommends that a dietitian “misplaced diet”

・ How to accomplish “weight loss” with certainty

・ The “○ ○ Diet” is completed with “Detalame that the celebrity said”

・ Emphasize “a sense of convenience” as a diet that does not go thin

・ Even if “mouse” is thin, humans are not thin-only effective and useful “evidence” is posted

・ Best answer from “massive evidence analysis x findings as a doctor”

The first part The truth of obesity

・ “Seatless diet” information that spreads to the world

The black history of Chapter 1 diet … humanity is trying to lose weight with “incurable knowledge”

・ The “doctor” who gives advice is fat

・ We deal only with “the real cause”

・ 60% of adults misunderstand “body fat”

“False conclusions” led by millions of dollars

-Carbohydrate restriction is different from ‘Science, the latest theory’

・ I believe that “the theory of 100 years ago”

・ “Low fat” has no effect on heart or weight loss

・ Low-fat diet is the same as “high-carbohydrate diet”

・ National campaign to “drink carbonated beverages”

・ Who says “correct answer” turns over

・ As soon as we avoided “butter”, humanity began to gain weight

・ “When the parent is fat, the child is fat” evidence

Chapter 2 The cruel truth … obesity inherits from parent to child

・ “70%” of fat cause is in pedigree

・ I can assert that “I have no gene habits that will spread to you”

・ Having work on “hormone to stop appetite”

The illusion of part 2 “calorie restriction”

・ The weight to drop at zero calories is “zero”

You can assert that Chapter 3 “The amount of food does not matter” … Huge data showing that “Even if scraped”

・ Which part of “Beat just eaten” is wrong

・ “Calorie” and “oil” are different things

・ Conclusion of the American 20-year study that “I can not gain weight even if calorie intake increases”

・ In the UK, the result of “no causality”

・ The calories decrease even with “brain work”

・ “It is hard to get rid of people who do not eat” is obvious from any study

・ What happens if you walk 22 kilometers a week without eating?

・ “Demerit” outweighs merit

・ “Heart” weakens and “hair” comes off

・ If you reduce the amount eaten, you will gain weight over

“Rebound” has nothing to do with the power of the will

・ Fat does not burn more than “the amount eaten”

・ We continued 7 1/2 half “meal reduction × exercise increase” and did not reduce 1 kilo

・ The output of “full stomach hormone” gets worse

・ “Being area” of brain weakens … Loss of brake

・ “Calculate calories” may be used but there is no meaning

・ Next point level of “asbestos”

Chapter 4 Movement myth … unfortunately, running, running, I can not lose weight

・ Statistics data do not decrease even if the movement population increases

・ There are many people who are as thin as “a country that does not exercise”

・ The calories consumed by walking 32 kilometers a day are “average”

・ The fat that can be exercised and burned is limited to 5%.

・ It seems like it’s going to be thin if you move to something you ate

・ There is only a slight reduction in the marathon

・ The appetite increases to “I’ll stop thinking”

Chapter 5 Overeating paradox … “too fat to eat too much” is also a lie?

・ Why does the “overeating experiment” not succeed?

・ Prison prisoners who refused to “get a lot of food”

・ Your weight is “adjusted by hand”

・ I try to get thinner even when I eat hamburgers

・ Because “weight setting value” is high for fattening

・ Even if you change to a small diet, it will only meet the “body resistance”

・ Rebound means trying to return to “set weight”

・ We make full use of “the mechanism in the body”

・ The person who wants to lose is the first thing to do

The third world latest obesity theory

・ “Obesity hormone” controls the weight of the host

Chapter 6 Achievement of research … “Mechanism of weight change” finally solved

・ Analyze “Yearly Survey”

・ All explanations are given in “hormones”

・ “Storage hormone” pushes “sugar” into cells

・ Fat accumulates after the liver turns

・ If you are hungry, “the fat burns”

・ “Set value” goes up with age

Chapter 7 “Insulin” is an obesity hormone.

· Injection of “insulin” increased by 〝4.5 kg

・ The larger the amount of insulin in the body, the thicker it becomes

・ “If you lower your blood sugar and don’t get fat” is completely wrong

・ “5 types of cross-sectional surveys” where insulin can not be explained

· The same result was obtained even if the number of surveys was increased to “257”

・ “Condition” that weight starts to fall

・ Insulin turns “set value knob”

・ There is an “action” that cancels a full stomach hormone

Chapter 8 Weight gaining with every annoyance … “Stress weight” is real

・ “Digestion” stops

・ “Stress hormone” increases obesity supplies

・ The figure of “BMI” also becomes high

・ I am hungry with “an unpleasant stimulus”

・ “Exercise” is effective for stress release

・ “7 hours” is a difficult sleep problem that came out in the research

The truth of Chapter 9 “Low-Carb Diet” … the data was slightly different from “common sense”

・ Why “Low-Carb Diet” has been around since ancient times

・ The NY Times announced that it was “harmless” was a bribe

・ “Low-fat diet” is a non-scientific way

・ Certainly it is better to avoid “carbohydrate” than “lipid”

・ If you eat cake, you become “sugar poisoning”

・ The problem of restriction of carbohydrates is “not thin”

・ The reason why “Asian who eats white rice” is thin

・ BMI of “carbohydrate group” is 20-22 and standard level

・ 99% of the wheat we eat is “artificial”

Close the “faucet” of Chapter 10 obesity hormone right now … “The time of fatness” is extremely important for weight loss

・ A body with too much insulin “Metabo”

・ The same phenomenon as “drug addiction” occurs

・ We change to “the body dull to hormone”

・ “A reduction of 300 calories and 8.7 kg of fatness” happens

・ If you change to “healthy food”, you can not lose weight for a while

・ “Hunging” also produces obesity hormone

・ The brain’s “appetitive center” runs away

・ There is a problem that useful hormones are “always out”

・ Body type largely changes by “when you eat”

・ Provide a time to “do nothing”

・ “Good snack” increases obesity hormone the next morning

・ “How many times do you eat?” What do you eat?

・ We reduce “the number of times of eating” anyway

Part 4 Social Obesity

・ “Ordinary life” secretly promotes obesity

Chapter 11 Big Food Company’s speculation … Consumers, fatter!

・ If you receive financial support, you will get “700%” sponsorship results

・ It is only maker-to eat and eat “Chokochoko”

・ Having breakfast = healthy is a complete impression operation

・ You do not need to have breakfast

・ It is easier for people to eat well from morning

・ The “burning rate” is the same whether you eat breakfast or leave it

・ How to eat without the effect of “vegetables”

“Eating a small amount little by little” increases the risk of diabetes

The fattening with “low income” Chapter 12 “Outstanding risk of“ cheap food ”

・ Why “rich” is thinner

・ “Construction workers” are fatter than “Investors”

・ “Bread price” is involved

・ It is easy to get fat if you choose food by “price”

・ “White sugar” made half of the Pima people diabetic

・ “Fast food” is surprisingly weakly related

13 The Big Child Phenomenon … “Obesity children” are short-lived … How to protect my child?

・ Early child gets fat from “O months”

・ “Living environment” does not affect

・ Child’s weight is determined by “Mother”

・ “Child’s metabolic risk” increases by overfeeding during pregnancy

・ “Physical education at school” has no weight loss effect

・ Body fat increases when children “diet seriously”

・ Secrets one after another in “Australia’s nursery school”

・ We take up “carbonated juice” immediately

・ The child’s obesity rate decreased by 43% with “dry sugar”

Part 5: Toronto’s best doctor does not eat “a fat meal”

・ “Food to gain weight” identified by the latest sciences

14 Chapter Sweet candy … fear of becoming “addicted” if not avoided

・ “NG” to “drink” sugar most

・ “Sweet juice” which raises diabetes risk “by 80%”

・ “White bread” raises blood sugar level more than 10 times of peanuts

・ Bread unnaturally softened with “sugar derived from fruits”

・ “Natural fructose which does not raise blood sugar level” shortens the life span

・ The “liver” starts to grow in a week

In less than two months, it becomes “diabetic reserve force”

・ If there is more fructose than glucose, it will fatten at “double speed”

・ “Sucroses taken many years ago” turns into fat

・ The United States changed at “state level” when it reduced sugar

Chapter 15 “Diet Beverage” can not be thinned with hypertrophic drink “Carbonate”

・ “No sugar” also contains sugar

・ “Stevia” which Japanese consumes a lot is not good either

・ It is easy for regular drinkers to become “1.47 times” metabolic syndrome

・ It is bad for “brain” “heart” and “blood vessels”

・ If it is sweet and calorie zero, “brain appetite” rises

・ Such as putting “adhesive” in the stomach

I really want you to eat Chapter 16 “Dietary fiber” … Save fat absorption L not gain weight at the cell level

・ “Eat one kilo of water!” … Limit of GI value

・ Why is “refining” bad?

・ There is no one who has confirmed the safety of wheat flour

・ If you eat beans, sugar becomes “fart”

・ The amount of food decreased and the number of stools increased

・ If it is a “processed food”, you can not take the soy sauce … The maker “discards all”

・ It does not work for “cancer” and “heart disease”

・ “The badness of carbohydrates” disappears

・ “Frozen food” eliminates the detoxification of dietary fiber

・ “Worst food eaten” that diabetes risk rises by 217%

・ Cleopatra was fond of vinegar

・ “2 cups of teaspoon” reduce the weight loss effect, increase the feeling of fullness

・ We understand that “one thing to do” is

Excessive Expectations to Chapter 17 “Protein” … Is Meat an Enemy or Friend?

・ Carb, protein, lipid … Which one is “unnecessary”?

・ “Peeled chicken breast meat” is not as good as sugar

・ Stomach increases insulin when “ingesting protein”

・ We try to gain weight by just looking at food

・ The “milk” produces insulin “more than bread”

・ GLP-1 adjusts the belly

・ When you eat “red meat”, you gain 450 grams of weight daily

・ “Low fat milk” does not affect weight

・ How to eat to improve “fullness”

・ Don’t eat too many “dairy products”

・ “Protein Bar” is neither healthy nor unhealthy

Chapter 18 “Fat” changes body … “Bright fat” wonders if you become lean and healthy

・ “Cholesterol” does not make blood dirty

・ Cholesterol becomes material of “cell membrane”

・ Avocado lipid that is good for the body is “margarine”

・ Good fat and mischievous fat are also labeled “Fat”

・ Inflammatory oil is consumed 30 times as much as “anti-inflammatory oil”

・ It is a lie because it is derived from plants

・ Good fat … not stress the heart

・ Bad fat … We mix “Animal Feed” and extend the expiration date

・ If you eat 2% more, “cardiac disease risk” increases by 23%

・ “Animal fat” to prevent stroke

・ “Whole milk” can be better than low fat milk

・ Harvard Nutritional Authority’s conclusions

◯◯ The sixth part How to make “the body without weight” that a doctor teaches

・ “The correct weight loss” proven in the latest medicine

Eat 19 “Would not eat fat food” … belly up and weight loss

・ If you do “unique weight loss” you will always get fat

・ The conventional diet method returns to the original “after six months”

・ Turning “multiple plans” at the same time … medically sure way

・ “The most reliable” 5 steps in epidemiology at the moment … perfect weight loss

・ Step 1: Reduce “intake of added sugar”

・ Locate the label … Do not be deceived by the “honey”

・ Additive sugar avoidance technique 1 Change “dessert”

・ We stop additive sugar avoidance technique 2 “steaching”

・ Additive sugar avoidance technique 3 “Breakfast” may or may not be eaten

・ What is a “good breakfast”?

・ Additive sugar avoidance technique 4 Drink “carbonated water”

・ Coffee … If it is “to 6 cups a day”, health effect

・ Tea … Fat burning effect of “Green Tea”

・ Porn Broth ・ Included only good fat in the bonito soup

Step 2: Reduce “Intake of Refined Cereal”

・ Eat “Edamame”

Step 3: Reduce “protein intake”

・ Step 4: Eat more “good fat”

・ “Pure oil” is not good except for thought

・ “Nuts”, “Dairy products” and “Avocado” are rich in good fat

・ Step 5: Eat more “food fiber”

・ We eat at “perfect timing” and are the fastest, surely, the most expensive

The fattering diet that integrates the world’s leading medical analysis in Chapter 20

… Whether you can fatten or not “depends on the timing”

・ The longer the distance, the better

・ If you use “intermittent fasting”, you will surely lose weight-as a doctor

・ “The Pathology of Toxicology” is also the best method and guaranteed

・ Fresh fat with “hormone mobilization”

・ Insulin ・ ・ ・ The secretion decreases and the fat burns in 5 days

・ Growth hormone … fat turns into energy

・ Adrenaline … the energy consumption of the body goes up

・ Electrolyte substance … prevent the outflow of necessary nutrition

・ If “body fat percentage 4%” or more, the effect surely comes out

・ If you continue for 2 months, the body fat percentage will decrease by 2 digits.

・ Fat burnup goes up by more than 50%

・ “Vitality” is all over the body

・ From “visceral fat”. Burn ahead

・ “The fatness of the liver” also depends on the number of times you eat

The metabolism is up, the blood sugar level can be lowered

・ There is no need to “record what you eat”

◆ Appendix A

Seven-day meal plan … A 24-hour intermittent frosting plan

-7 day meal plan … 36 hours intermittent fasting plan

◆ Appendix B

-Intermittent fasting practice guide … Method to ensure weight loss

Appendix C

・ No fat mind hacks … Sleeping efficiently and erasing “irritated hormones”


◆ common sense until now (all mistakes)

Diet is determined by calorie intake and calorie consumption.
– Food and drinks with zero calorie artificial sweetener are good for diet.
· Low lipid and low calorie are effective for dieting.

◆ common sense in the future
Diet is determined by lowering the insulin value. Calorie does not matter.
· Refined carbohydrates (wheat flour, sugar etc.) and artificial sweeteners with calorie 0 refrain from raising insulin value.
· High lipid and low carbohydrate are effective for dieting.
· Exercise for dieting is only effective 5%. 95% is consumed by basal metabolism. (Exercise for health is good)
· In order to lower the insulin value, it is better to reduce the number of meals and lengthen the meal interval
· Fasting has a very good effect on health. (Religious faiths fast for about a total of one month in a year)


【Summary of Easy Diet】
· You will fast breakfast and lunch and do every other day. (Ingestion of water · coffee · tea · vegetable soup etc. is OK)
※ If you get used to it, fast for one day every other day.

This is a super easy diet that does not require food costs, exercise, or time at all.

(Recorded by Yoshihisa Nishida)